Check In: Day 308

Week 44: Things seem much better today. My daughter got into her school of choice this week. We have paid the deposit and fingers crossed she will be headed back to New York for school in August. She is so happy. She will be 10 hours from us but close to family and friends so that makes us happy. Her dance school is opening back up again so she will be out of our freezing cold garage and off our lousy wifi for classes. She also has some feis (Irish dance competitions) on the horizon that she may be able to dance in so she is over the moon excited.

Son is going back to school in person next week. We are both happy and a bit sad about that. He likes the hybrid better than the online school. He has a tough time getting up at 6:15 am every day and both of them allowed him to get up at 8:00 am every day. It was nice having the the extra 90 minutes or so to get him up. He just got a call that he has a chance at a full ride scholarship at one of the colleges he applied to. It is not his first choice but it may move up the list quickly if it is completely paid for. He plans on going to grad school so he is trying to do his undergraduate cheaply. Fingers are crossed. We figure if nothing else we can use this as leverage for his first choice school.

So, we are doing okay. We have things to look forward to right now and that helps. Supposedly they are going to open restaurants in Michigan on February 1st. No one is happy because they have been closed to indoor dining, outdoor dining in December and January is difficult in Michigan, for 75 days. Many offer delivery or takeout but they are struggling to survive or are closing. Maybe we will be able to eat popcorn at the movies then too.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Check In: Day 308

    On Saturday, January 16, 2021, What’s for Dinner Moms? wrote:

    > koolaidmoms posted: ” Week 44: Things seem much better today. My daughter > got into her school of choice this week. We have paid the deposit and > fingers crossed she will be headed back to New York for school in August. > She is so happy. She will be 10 hours from us but clos” >


  2. Keep taking one day at a time. 👏


  3. I am glad to hear things are moving in the direction of normal again, Marci. It’s great news about your son and daughter too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Patricia B. Grattan says:

    I love your weekly catch-ups Marci Congrats again to C and G. Seven of my grandkids have made the decisions to go to local colleges because of the money packages offered, and I don’t think any have regretted it. Two already have grad degrees and good jpbs. Three are employed, happy and doing well. The next two are commuting and will have little debt upon graduation.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. koolaidmoms says:

      And that was C. G has a couple chances at full rides (or almost completely paid for) so we are hoping for one of those for him.


  5. Erika says:

    I am glad for you that some things are developing towards normality again. So happy for your daughter!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. So good to have things to look forward to right now!


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