Ham and Swiss Quiche

I have been gone for quite awhile. It has been a tough year and a half but I am hoping that this time it will stick and I can keep up with my writing. So much has happened. My son came from from college for a year to recover from depression and adjust to life…

Grilled Reuben Wraps – College Style

With both kids in college we spend quite a bit more time than usual at restaurants. I am still hesitant about eating in so we order out most often. We then “picnic” nearby and enjoy our time together. One of the places we have tried is a local college “joint” that specializes in wraps with…

Classic Baked Ziti

We are beginning to navigate cooking for two. We are marveling at how when we have leftovers they don’t disappear suddenly. We ordered pizza and salad for dinner on Friday and had leftovers while we were watching the game on Sunday. Go Buffalo! We even still had two slices leftover (from an 8 piece pie)…

Tangy Grilled Shrimp

When it is warm and I don’t know what to cook it seems like shrimp is my go to. I can put it in a bowl to marinate early in the afternoon and by dinner time it is ready to cook after being in the delicious sauce. Grilling the takes no time. In this meal…

Crispy Baked Potatoes

These are one of our favorite side dishes that I have been making for almost 25 years. The kids love the crispy potato crunch and I love how easy they are to make. The hardest part is slicing the potatoes thin enough to be super crispy but if you have a mandoline that makes it…

Football Party Foods

Football is coming to an end soon. Many will be celebrating with Super Bowl parties. I pulled together a few of our favorite party dishes that may be a bit different from ordinary football food. Starting with a salad bar.  Think about all the heavy food that is normally served at a Super Bowl party….

Top 5 Recipes for 2019 on What’s for Dinner Moms?

Many of the top recipes are from quite awhile ago on my blog. It is funny going back and looking at the pictures and realizing how much they need updating and I should start remaking some of these as my kids really don’t remember some of them. As I try to make something new every…

Velveeta Queso Dip

This is a recipe that has been around for a long time. This is the recipe my mother-in-law used in the 60s-70s. She had been to visit her cousin in Texas and had “Tex-Mex” for the first time. She brought this recipe back to New York with her and it was a hit. We had…

Christmas Cookies: Quaker Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies

Reblogged from 2016: These cookies are a favorite in our house.  I use the recipe for Quaker’s Best Oatmeal Cookies from  Quaker Oats.com just like my mother used to make them off the back of the oatmeal box.  I almost never bake but when I do I want a recipe I know that will turn…

Christmas Cookies: Soft Molasses Cookies

Reblogged from 2018: It’s finally time for me to crank up the Christmas songs and start getting ready for Christmas! I love the holiday season and try to stretch it out as long as possible.  I freeze lots of cookies to take to my family when we visit and to parties. My plan this year…

Christmas Cookies: Buttery Toffee Cookies

We are trying to cut down a bit on sweets so one of the new things I am trying is if we want a treat we have to make it. I am not much of a baker so the rest of the family has to pitch in on this. This creation was from my partner,…

Christmas Cookies: Hot Cocoa Cookies

Reblogged from 2018: As we are expecting 3″-5″ of snow today and tomorrow it seems perfect that I am posting Hot Cocoa Cookies. I am sure we are going to want to stay inside and nibble a few of these with some warm milk! We have a busy weekend ahead of us. I am hoping…