Savory Meatloaf

As I look back over the last few days I notice we are having lots of comfort food. It is that time of year. I bought our first gallon of apple cider. It is still a bit early so it is really tart but soon it will be so sweet and good! We are looking…

Chicken with French Onion Soup Gravy and a Plea for Kindness

I had this post all ready to go when something happened. I thought it over for awhile and decided I needed to take a moment to respond. This is my blog. Hence I choose what is appropriate or inappropriate based on my opinions. I like healthy, productive discussions but above all I expect myself and…

Simple Chicken and Potatoes with Gravy

I started playing hand bells in September. It has been difficult. I am a former music teacher so I can read music and I thought this would be fun. I have never played hand bells before but thought it can’t be that bad to learn something like this. I was wrong. I am like that…

Italian Sausage Gravy

We are trying to spend as little money as possible from now until the end of the month. I have a budget for Thanksgiving that I don’t want to break by buying extra items that we don’t really need. I am trying to use everything in our pantry and freezer. We had a package of…


Poutine is one of those foods that either you know what it is or you don’t and you either love it or you think it is just weird. Looking at all the pieces separately each piece is good. Fresh cheese curd that is so fresh it still squeaks as you chew? Deliciously salty and full…

Slow Cooker Chicken and Biscuits

Yes, another chicken dish. We still have quite a bit to use. Chicken thighs and drumsticks are $.88 a pound this week so we will be having quite a few dishes using those in the coming weeks. Some days just scream comfort food. This was one of those days. The kids and I started the…

My Favorite Words and Simple Swedish Meatballs

When we were little my brother used to have a list of words that would just make him giggle if he heard them.  Cadet, trousers, pineapple…  I never really understood it.  I knew there were words I didn’t like to use but nothing that I thought was overly funny or wonderful about any word. I…

Back to Reality and Hamburgers with Gravy

Spring Break is over.  Sigh.  It always takes a few days for us to get back into the routine of school, classes and work.  It seems so easy to get out of the routine but so hard to restart it.  Even knowing that the first day back will be rough the actual reality always seems…

Slow Cooker Beef Roast with Vegetables

This month is crazy busy in our house.  All of the school teams, clubs and performing groups are cramming everything into March and early April to avoid Spring Break and preparing for finals.  We only have two children yet we have Science O practices and regional, school orchestra and youth orchestra program, music lessons and…

Slow Cooker Herbed Pork Loin with Gravy

Last week while my parents were visiting from North Carolina we had an early Christmas celebration complete with tree decorating, cookies and stockings.  My little elves waited until Grandma and Papa went to bed and then they began working.  All the Christmas boxes went from the basement to the upstairs and the tree went together. …

Slow Cooker French Dip

As I looked through my past posts this year I cannot believe how often I use my slow cooker.   I leave it right on my counter to use as much as possible.   It has saved me many times when I just could not figure out what we were going to have for dinner.  Yesterday was…

Turkey Thighs with Garlic Gravy

I am always on the look out for a bargain.  I am not cheap, I far prefer the term frugal.  When I was at the grocery store the other day I was strolling through the meat department looking for mark-downs or special Manager’s sales when I spotted 3 lbs. of turkey thighs for under $3.00! …