Check In: Day 294

Week 42: I am tired. I am writing this on the evening on January 1st and I am tired. We all stayed up late on New Year’s Eve and slept in a bit on New Year’s Day. We are starting to take down the Christmas decorations and starting to organize, well I guess it would…

How are Your New Year Goals Going? Determination!

So now that we are a three weeks into January how are those goals going? Have you totally abandoned them yet? Now is the time to adjust and make them something you can live with rather than far-reaching unrealistic expectations. Writing your blog every single day? Increasing your presence on social media? Facebook? Twitter? or…

Smashing My Blog Goals and Setting New Ones

I have so much to say thank you to all of you for. Every year I set goals for my blog in how I want to do things and yes, even the dreaded numbers. Despite a computer crash in September and being only able to post using my phone and tablet I kept going. Lots…

Purposefully to a New Touchstone

Rather than make resolutions for the past few years I have chosen a guiding word that I try to focus my mind and energy on each year. My guiding word for this year has been purposefully. It was the word I chose last December to be the guiding force for my decisions and life this…

It’s Not Really the End of Summer, But it is

The calendar says that fall starts on Friday, September 22nd. My heart says it starts on Tuesday. The kids start back to school on Tuesday. This is the day I dislike most every year, next to New Year’s Eve. My kids are ready to go back. They are ready to start all the new exciting…

Revisiting My New Year’s Resolution

pur·pose·ful·ly ˈpərpəsfəlē/ adverb   in a way that shows determination or resolve. “Rachael takes the lead, striding purposefully towards the door” with a useful purpose. “how is it possible to share information effectively and purposefully with project partners?” I chose Purposefully for my word of the year. This word was to guide all my decisions…